Monday Apr 15, 2024

EP 134: 9 Key Characteristics of ”The Recovered” + Inspiration to Keep Going When Your Path to Freedom Feels Impossible

This year is flying by! How is it going for you sis?

The truth over here is we are one baseball weekend to the next & I am doing my best to keep up with both boys, while granting myself permission to rest at the same dang time.

I'm sure you feel me.

My biggest advice: snacks on snacks!

This baseball mom must have all snacks on deck for survival in the busy season.

But it wasn't always that way for see, I used to avoid snacks. I would tell myself that I could snack but only instead of eating a real meal.

Snacks seemed scary.

What changed? Well, I knew if I wanted to get somewhere I hadn't gone, then I had to do something that I hadn't done. So I followed my dietician's advice, & I packed snacks with me every time I left the house, so that I would never be in the position to skip eating. I ate the snacks...& the real meal.

& after years of recovering myself, I wanted to bring to you a podcast episode around what traits & I feel are the core characteristics of those who have recovered. 

Listen in to Episode 134, I hope this one blesses you today friend!



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Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone!
Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it!

Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together -> Client Application

Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you!

* While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.


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