Friday Oct 07, 2022

EP 3: 3 Ways to Love Your Body, Even When You Don’t YET

In this episode, we talk about 3 things that you can do RIGHT NOW to love your body & the skin you are in, even when you don't love your body. This one is somewhat deep & strategic! 

The truth don't have peace with your body because the core beliefs you base your "truths" on are based on a false reality. And if that isn't REAL enough for you, peace doesn't come from control. In fact, the opposite is true. Peace with your body, actually comes when you surrender the control you have over food & that false self.

There is something RIGHT NOW that you can admire & love about yourself. What can you be grateful for, that your body does for you?

What can you love about your body, even when you don't love your body?


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